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"comparatively" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

comparatively przysłówek

comparatively + przymiotnik
Kolokacji: 77
comparatively small • comparatively low • comparatively little • comparatively short • comparatively large • comparatively high • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 10
  • They make up in quality for their comparatively small area.
  • There are further issues, but they have a comparatively small effect.
  • She was willing to work hard and long for a comparatively small return of food.
  • Even a comparatively small tree like this had a lot of mass!
  • It also has a comparatively small, but growing, corporate business.
  • His task indeed was only made possible by the comparatively small classes in those early years.
  • Only a comparatively small part of the head at term is represented by the face.
  • Why should the comparatively small problems of the American cities seem beyond solution?
  • He had been paid a comparatively small salary during the period of development.
  • Though he is a comparatively small fry, the media will not let him go.
7. comparatively easy = stosunkowo łatwy comparatively easy
8. comparatively recent = stosunkowo niedawny comparatively recent
9. comparatively rare = stosunkowo rzadki comparatively rare
10. comparatively simple = stosunkowo prosty comparatively simple

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