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"communication" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

communication rzeczownik

rzeczownik + communication
Kolokacji: 102
radio communication • Verizon Communication • satellite communication • data communication • Health Communication • ...
communication + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 198
communications system • communications director • communications network • communications technology • ...
communication + czasownik
Kolokacji: 40
owned by Clear Communications • communication takes • communication says • communication links • communication goes • ...
czasownik + communication
Kolokacji: 70
establish communication • facilitate communication • provide communications • allow communication • maintain communication • ...
przymiotnik + communication
Kolokacji: 196
corporate communication • electronic communication • direct communication • personal communication • effective communication • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 39
2. electronic communication = łączność elektroniczna, komunikacja elektronicza electronic communication
8. poor communication = biedna komunikacja poor communication
9. better communication = lepsza komunikacja better communication
11. international communication = międzynarodowa komunikacja international communication
13. mobile communication = ruchoma komunikacja mobile communication
15. constant communication = nieustanna komunikacja constant communication
16. True North Communication = Prawdziwa Północ Komunikacja True North Communication
17. open communication = szczera komunikacja open communication
18. digital communication = cyfrowa komunikacja digital communication
21. modern communication = współczesna komunikacja modern communication
22. private communication = komunikacja przekazana w zaufaniu private communication
23. secure communication = bezpieczna komunikacja secure communication
24. military communication = militarna komunikacja military communication
25. clear communication = jasna komunikacja clear communication
  • Mass Communication is used to promote beneficial changes in behavior among members of populations.
  • So much for a lad that has never got formal training in Mass communication!
  • Mass Communication plays an important role in our society its purpose is to inform the public about current and past events.
  • Mass communication tends to reduce things to their lowest level.
  • Mass communication research and the study of culture.
  • For example; think Mass communication - television, radio, newspapers.
  • Mass communications made it more and more possible for women to organize themselves in supportive ways.
  • To introduce students to the various forms of Mass Communication, their organizations and operations.
  • She holds a degree of Master's in Mass communication.
  • Mass communication is regularly associated with media influence or media effects, and media studies.
27. instant communication = natychmiastowa komunikacja instant communication
28. far communication = daleko komunikacja far communication
29. official communication = urzędowa komunikacja official communication
31. interpersonal communication = komunikacja interpersonalna interpersonal communication
32. nonverbal communication = komunikacja niewerbalna nonverbal communication
33. political communication = polityczna komunikacja political communication
34. public communication = przemowa publiczna public communication
35. regular communication = regularna komunikacja regular communication
36. oral communication = ustna komunikacja oral communication
37. strategic communication = strategiczna komunikacja strategic communication
38. social communication = towarzyska komunikacja social communication
39. telepathic communication = telepatyczna komunikacja telepathic communication
przyimek + communication
Kolokacji: 19
of communication • for communication • through communication • in communication • to communication • ...

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