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"charge" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

charge czasownik

charge + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 52
charge prices • charge rates • charge several men • charge customers • charge interest • charge a fee • charge rents • ...
czasownik + charge
Kolokacji: 39
come charging • charged with conspiring • charged with assaulting • charged with violating • charged with stealing • ...
charge + przyimek
Kolokacji: 42
charged with • charge up • charge down • charge out • charge off • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 30
  • In his last months on the job, he was charged with training those people.
  • She may not be charged with anything before the Games begin.
  • You're not being charged with anything just at the moment, but you'd better tell us exactly what went on.
  • Now, if you want to charge me with something please do so.
  • But the police have never been able to charge him with any crime.
  • We do no wrong, and you will charge us with none.
  • Lead, more than ever, became charged with the politics of race and social justice.
  • They had not been charged with anything nor brought to any court.
  • It would take an hour to charge one with gas.
  • They probably don't want to charge him with murder right now.
2. charge toward = opłata w kierunku charge toward
4. charged under = pobrany opłatę poniżej charged under
5. charge through = pobierz opłatę całkowicie charge through
6. charge by = opłata przez charge by
7. charge for = pobierz opłatę charge for
8. charge up = ładować (baterię, akumulator, telefon) charge up
9. charged against = pobrany opłatę przeciwko charged against
10. charged after = pobrany opłatę potem charged after
11. charged in = pobrany opłatę w charged in
12. charge at = zaatakuj charge at
14. charge down = opłata w dół charge down
15. charge to = opłata aby charge to
17. charge over = opłata ponad charge over
19. charged during = pobrany opłatę podczas charged during
20. charge out = opłata na zewnątrz charge out
21. charge about = opłata około charge about
23. charged of = oskarżony charged of
24. charge off = spisać na straty charge off
26. charge towards = opłata w kierunku charge towards
27. charge out of = opłata z charge out of
28. charge without = opłata na zewnątrz charge without
29. charged before = pobrany opłatę wcześniej charged before
charge + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 76
politically charged • highly charged • emotionally charged • formally charged • positively charged • negatively charged • ...

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