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"charge" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

charge czasownik

charge + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 52
charge prices • charge rates • charge several men • charge customers • charge interest • charge a fee • charge rents • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 14
2. charge rates = stawki opłaty charge rates
3. charge several men = pobierz opłatę od kilku ludzi charge several men
5. charge interest = odsetek opłaty charge interest
7. charge rents = czynsze opłaty charge rents
  • I almost kept my hand in a glass case for the entire summer and charged people to look.
  • Texas law bars charging people for a chance to win something.
  • The police has charged 212 people in 12 different cases related to this incident.
  • So we had a show, paid for the hall, and charged people 10 bucks.
  • Czech police have charged 22 people in connection with the case.
  • "You don't charge people for gray areas where nobody got hurt," he said.
  • It is not illegal to charge people for unnecessary services.
  • Who would have thought you could charge people for e-mail?
  • There are many companies who also charge people for damage that has not occurred or is very minor.
  • After investigation, police charged 13 people in connection with the robbery.
9. charge several cents = pobierz kilka centów charge several cents
10. charge admission = pobierać opłatę za wstęp charge admission
12. charge particles = cząstki opłaty charge particles
13. charge several percent = opłata kilka procent charge several percent
czasownik + charge
Kolokacji: 39
come charging • charged with conspiring • charged with assaulting • charged with violating • charged with stealing • ...
charge + przyimek
Kolokacji: 42
charged with • charge up • charge down • charge out • charge off • ...
charge + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 76
politically charged • highly charged • emotionally charged • formally charged • positively charged • negatively charged • ...

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