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"charge" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

charge rzeczownik

rzeczownik + charge
Kolokacji: 173
murder charge • corruption charge • fraud charge • assault charge • drug charge • felony charge • depth charge • racketeering charge • ...
charge + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 16
charge card • charge carrier • charge sheet • charge density • charge account • ...
charge + czasownik
Kolokacji: 77
charge stemming • charge relating • charge carries • charge includes • charge involves • charge comes • charge ranging • ...
czasownik + charge
Kolokacji: 152
take charge • face charges • bring charges • press charges • settle charges • charge related • investigate charges • answer charges • ...
przymiotnik + charge
Kolokacji: 227
criminal charge • serious charge • additional charge • federal charge • extra charge • lesser charge • explosive charge • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 54
  • In November 2011, additional federal charges were brought against him.
  • Most, he said, are shocked they could face federal charges at all.
  • They face up to five years in prison if convicted of the federal charge.
  • The federal charges could lead to a sentence of up to 30 years in prison.
  • Between local and federal charges, covering two decades, he'll never see the light of day again.
  • He was arrested in Wyoming and brought back to face federal charges.
  • He was sentenced last March to 23 months in prison on the federal charges.
  • Four other people pleaded guilty to federal charges in the case.
  • If the federal charges were dropped, he would have nothing to prosecute.
  • If a victim is brought across state lines, federal charges can be laid as well.
5. extra charge = dodatkowa opłata, dopłata extra charge
6. lesser charge = mniejsza opłata lesser charge
8. electric charge = ładunek elektryczny electric charge
9. one-time charge = była opłata one-time charge
10. electrical charge = elektryczna opłata electrical charge
11. formal charge = formalne oskarżenie formal charge
12. positive charge = dodatni ładunek elektryczny positive charge
13. negative charge = ujemny ładunek elektryczny, ładunek ujemny negative charge
14. monthly charge = miesięczna opłata monthly charge
15. false charge = nieprawdziwe oskarżenie false charge
18. late charge = późna opłata late charge
19. full charge = pełne oskarżenie full charge
20. special charge = specjalne oskarżenie special charge
21. new charge = nowe oskarżenie new charge
22. small charge = symboliczna opłata small charge
23. possible charge = możliwa opłata possible charge
24. single charge = jedna opłata single charge
25. high charge = wysoka opłata high charge
26. common charge = wspólne oskarżenie common charge
27. main charge = główna opłata main charge
28. trumped-up charge = zarzut wyssany z palca trumped-up charge
30. young charge = młoda opłata young charge
31. after-tax charge = po opodatkowaniu opłata after-tax charge
32. separate charge = oddzielne oskarżenie separate charge
33. specific charge = ładunek właściwy specific charge
34. unrelated charge = niepowiązane oskarżenie unrelated charge
35. guilty charge = winna opłata guilty charge
36. related charge = powiązane oskarżenie related charge
37. far charge = daleko opłata far charge
38. minor charge = drobna opłata minor charge
39. original charge = oryginalna opłata original charge
40. shaped charge = ładunek kumulacyjny (uformowany w celu skoncentrowania i ukierunkowania siły wybuchu) shaped charge
41. initial charge = opłata pierwszej litery initial charge
42. static charge = statyczne oskarżenie static charge
43. extraordinary charge = niesłychane oskarżenie extraordinary charge
44. sole charge = wyłączna opłata sole charge
45. overall charge = ogólna opłata overall charge
46. net charge = opłata netto net charge
47. administrative charge = opłata administracyjna administrative charge
48. final charge = końcowe oskarżenie final charge
49. disciplinary charge = dyscyplinarna opłata disciplinary charge
50. opposite charge = ładunek różnoimienny opposite charge
51. legal charge = koszty prawne legal charge
52. total charge = całkowita opłata total charge
53. personal charge = osobiste oskarżenie personal charge
54. annual charge = opłata roczna annual charge
przyimek + charge
Kolokacji: 32
without charge • in charge • on charges • against charges • including charges • ...

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