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"chance" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

chance rzeczownik

rzeczownik + chance
Kolokacji: 25
percent chance • chance of university place • life chance • chance of survival • chance of success • chance of escape • ...
chance + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 16
chance encounter • chance meeting • chance remark • chance discovery • Chance Saloon • ...
chance + czasownik
Kolokacji: 58
chance comes • chance goes • chance gets • chance says • chance makes • chance seems • chance wins • chance plays • ...
czasownik + chance
Kolokacji: 88
lose one's chance • hurt one's chances • ruin one's chances • lead to chance • end one's chances • like one's chances • create chances • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 37
1. lose one's chance = przegrywać czyjś szansa lose one's chance
2. hurt one's chances = boleć czyjś szanse hurt one's chances
4. lead to chance = spowoduj szansę lead to chance
6. like one's chances = tak jak czyjś szanse like one's chances
7. create chances = stwórz szanse create chances
21. blow one's chance = zmarnować szansę, dać ciała, zawalić sprawę blow one's chance
22. leave to chance = wyjdź do szansy leave to chance
23. provide a chance = stanów szansę provide a chance
24. deny the chance = odmów szansy deny the chance
25. want a chance = chciej szansa want a chance
26. meet by chance = spotkaj przez przypadek meet by chance
27. affect one's chances = wpływać czyjś szanse affect one's chances
29. help one's chances = pomoc czyjś szanse help one's chances
30. allow a chance = pozwól szansie allow a chance
31. diminish one's chances = zmniejszać czyjś szanse diminish one's chances
32. minimize the chance = zminimalizuj szansę minimize the chance
33. damage one's chances = uszkodzenie czyjś szanse damage one's chances
35. make one's chances = robić czyjś szanse make one's chances
  • It was this, more than anything else, that made his own chances of life seem so unimportant.
  • We can use that as a diversion, of course, which makes our chances better.
  • The small size of his school made his chances for exposure very low.
  • Monday's disaster makes their chances of getting transferred to a nearby plant more remote than ever.
  • She has six children, making her chances of remarriage dim.
  • It is the mark of the kind of man I mean that he makes his own chances.
  • It could make or break his chances in 1996.
  • I was to write this on less than a page, making my chances of writing something that stands out almost nil.
  • Just this once let's both make our own chances.
  • Credit history can make or break your chances of getting a house, an apartment, or a loan.
36. welcome the chance = przyjmij z zadowoleniem szansę welcome the chance
przymiotnik + chance
Kolokacji: 93
good chance • better chance • best chance • only chance • fair chance • slim chance • slight chance • realistic chance • ...
przyimek + chance
Kolokacji: 17
by chance • about one's chances • in several chances • to chance • of chance • ...

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