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"cell" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

cell rzeczownik

rzeczownik + cell
Kolokacji: 143
blood cell • cancer cell • stem cell • brain cell • prison cell • fuel cell • nerve cell • jail cell • tumor cell • skin cell • T cell • muscle cell • ...
cell + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 134
cell phone • cell membrane • cell type • cell wall • cell division • cell line • cell biology • cell door • cell carcinoma • cell culture • ...
cell + czasownik
Kolokacji: 113
cell produces • cell contains • cell grows • cell uses • cell expresses • cell forms • cell dies • cell divides • cell makes • ...
czasownik + cell
Kolokacji: 102
cell called • destroy cells • use cells • contain cells • produce cells • compare Cell • infect cells • make cells • kill cancer cells • ...
przymiotnik + cell
Kolokacji: 219
human cell • solar cell • epithelial cell • single cell • immune cell • normal cell • endothelial cell • eukaryotic cell • individual cell • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 42
2. solar cell = ogniwo słoneczne, ogniwo fotowoltaiczne, ogniwo fotoelektryczne, fotoogniwo solar cell
3. single cell = jednoosobowa cela single cell
4. epithelial cell = komórka nabłonkowa epithelial cell
5. normal cell = normalna komórka normal cell
7. eukaryotic cell = komórka eukariotyczna eukaryotic cell
8. endothelial cell = komórka śródbłonka endothelial cell
10. terrorist cell = komórka terrorysty terrorist cell
11. small cell = mikrokomórka (technologia 5G) small cell
12. dead cell = wyczerpana cela dead cell
13. new cell = nowa komórka new cell
14. healthy cell = zdrowa komórka healthy cell
17. infected cell = zakażona komórka infected cell
18. large cell = duża cela large cell
19. cancerous cell = rakowata komórka cancerous cell
20. red blood cell = czerwona krwinka red blood cell
21. photovoltaic cell = ogniwo słoneczne, ogniwo fotowoltaiczne, ogniwo fotoelektryczne, fotoogniwo photovoltaic cell
22. tiny cell = maleńka komórka tiny cell
24. certain cell = pewna komórka certain cell
  • Efalizumab is made to target and destroy only certain cells in the body.
  • The message is registered as pain by certain cells in the body.
  • Cytolysins that have a specific action for certain cells are named accordingly.
  • Such characteristics appear to be brought about by minute changes in the genetic makeup of certain cells.
  • Scientists believe that during development, certain cells are capable of taking on different identities.
  • If certain cells don't die off, then you affect development, like what happens with a fetus.
  • Or, perhaps certain cells might be biconcave at one point in their life cycle, but not another.
  • Their application is expected to be based on counts of certain immune cells.
  • But the gun could only go off in certain cells and then only if a person deliberately pulled it.
  • He didn't want to take someone else's spot, though he wasn't sure how anyone could find a certain cell among these identical units.
25. abnormal cell = nienormalna komórka abnormal cell
26. bacterial cell = komórka bakteryjna bacterial cell
27. malignant cell = złośliwa komórka malignant cell
28. fat cell = komórka tłuszczowa fat cell
29. little cell = mało komórki little cell
30. somatic cell = komórka somatyczna somatic cell
31. padded cell = pokój ze ścianami obitymi gąbką (w szpitalu psychiatrycznym) padded cell
32. adjacent cell = przyległa cela adjacent cell
33. different cell = inna komórka different cell
34. fetal cell = płodowa komórka fetal cell
35. old cell = stara komórka old cell
36. neural stem cell = nerwowa komórka macierzysta neural stem cell
37. empty cell = pusta cela empty cell
38. separate cell = izolatka w więzieniu separate cell
39. dark cell = komórka ciemna dark cell
40. inflammatory cell = podburzająca komórka inflammatory cell
41. underground cell = podziemna komórka underground cell
42. vascular cell = naczyniowa komórka vascular cell
przyimek + cell
Kolokacji: 22
between cells • of cells • by cells • from cells • on cells • ...

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