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"breath" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

breath rzeczownik

rzeczownik + breath
Kolokacji: 9
breath of air • breath of wind • breath of life • breath of relief • dragon breath • ...
breath + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 10
breath test • breath control • breath catch • breath mint • breath freshener • ...
breath + czasownik
Kolokacji: 84
breath catches • breath comes • breath goes • breath hisses • breath takes • breath rasps • ...
czasownik + breath
Kolokacji: 66
hold one's breath • catch one's breath • mutter under one's breath • get one's breath • suck in one's breath • say under one's breath • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 33
1. hold one's breath = wstrzymać oddech, nie oddychać (przez chwilę) hold one's breath
2. catch one's breath = łapać oddech, robić sobie chwilę przerwy (np. na zastanowienie co dalej) catch one's breath
3. mutter under one's breath = mruczeć pod nosem, mamrotać pod nosem mutter under one's breath
4. get one's breath = dostawać czyjś oddech get one's breath
6. say under one's breath = mówić poniżej czyjś oddech say under one's breath
8. swear under one's breath = przysięgać poniżej czyjś oddech swear under one's breath
9. waste one's breath = strzępić sobie język, marnować czas waste one's breath
10. curse under one's breath = przekleństwo poniżej czyjś oddech curse under one's breath
11. save one's breath = oszczędzać czyjś oddech save one's breath
12. hear one's breath = słyszeć czyjś oddech hear one's breath
13. gasp for breath = łapać oddech gasp for breath
14. pause for breath = pauza dla oddechu pause for breath
15. release one's breath = zwolnienie czyjś oddech release one's breath
17. regain one's breath = odzyskiwać czyjś oddech regain one's breath
18. smell one's breath = zapach czyjś oddech smell one's breath
20. smell on one's breath = zapach na czyjś oddech smell on one's breath
21. lose one's breath = przegrywać czyjś oddech lose one's breath
22. fight for breath = nie móc złapać tchu fight for breath
  • The woman was beginning to fight for breath herself when Blade finally gave up the struggle.
  • The lieutenant's eyes were wild, and he seemed to be fighting for breath.
  • His eyes began to water and he fought for breath.
  • She found herself fighting for breath, and her legs became lead.
  • I want them locked up,' she said, fighting for breath.
  • But right now, he had to fight for breath.
  • He had to fight for breath against the dark air of the gulf.
  • His eyes closed, and he seemed to be fighting for breath.
  • His face screwed up in pain as he fought for breath.
  • She hugged him so tightly he had to fight for breath.
24. see one's breath = widzieć czyjś oddech see one's breath
25. suck one's breath = ssać czyjś oddech suck one's breath
26. mention in the breath = wspomnij w oddechu mention in the breath
27. steal one's breath = kraść czyjś oddech steal one's breath
28. murmur under one's breath = szmer poniżej czyjś oddech murmur under one's breath
29. find one's breath = znajdować czyjś oddech find one's breath
30. mumble under one's breath = mamrotanie poniżej czyjś oddech mumble under one's breath
31. stop one's breath = zatrzymywać się czyjś oddech stop one's breath
32. give breath = daj oddech give breath
33. breathe one's breath = oddychać czyjś oddech breathe one's breath
przymiotnik + breath
Kolokacji: 101
deep breath • long breath • slow breath • hot breath • bad breath • sharp breath • quick breath • warm breath • ragged breath • ...
przyimek + breath
Kolokacji: 16
for breath • of breath • under one's breath • with one's breath • on one's breath • ...

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