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"bad" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

bad przymiotnik

bad + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 684
bad thing • bad news • bad weather • bad guy • bad luck • bad idea • bad dream • bad shape • bad taste • bad habit • bad boy • ...
czasownik + bad
Kolokacji: 42
feel bad • grow worse • smell bad • get worse • sound bad • look bad • hurt bad • go bad • make worse • fare worse • turn bad • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 16
1. feel bad = źle się czuć feel bad
2. grow worse = stój się gorszy grow worse
  • And things seem likely to grow worse, the study said.
  • His parents had never been well off, but their situation grew worse.
  • And all the while the news from home grew worse.
  • Reports coming from the region were growing worse by the hour.
  • But a time was coming when it would grow worse.
  • I kept them from war, but matters were growing worse.
  • Then everything grew even worse, for her father and Michael walked through the door.
  • The problem has grown so bad that not even the regular city police can stop them.
  • Every hour had seen the position of the Empire's forces growing worse.
  • He did have a medical condition, and it was growing worse.
3. smell bad = zapach zły smell bad
4. sound bad = dźwięk zły sound bad
5. get worse = pogorszyć się (o czyimś stanie) get worse
6. look bad = wyglądaj źle look bad
7. hurt bad = boleć zły hurt bad
8. go bad = psuć się (np. mleko) go bad
9. make worse = pogarszać make worse
10. fare worse = wypadnij gorzej fare worse
11. turn bad = obracać się zły turn bad
12. taste bad = smak zły taste bad
13. become worse = stój się gorszy become worse
14. break bad = rozbijać zły break bad
15. perform worse = wykonaj gorzej perform worse
16. play bad = grać zły play bad
przysłówek + bad
Kolokacji: 66
far worse • pretty bad • particularly bad • extremely bad • progressively worse • ...
bad + przyimek
Kolokacji: 22
bad about • bad for • bad after • bad of • bad in • ...

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