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"award" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

award czasownik

award + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 110
award points • award place • award one's Cross • award one's Award • award several stars • award one's honor • award the account • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 35
2. award place = miejsce nagrody award place
8. award damages = przyznawać odszkodowanie award damages
  • That ruling awarded damages worth $543,000 to four different players.
  • The jury awarded damages of $1.17bn, the third largest ever in a patent case at the time.
  • They were awarded damages of $1 each for that.
  • The special jury found for Steer and awarded damages of £100.
  • However, Freeman was not one of the four plaintiffs awarded damages.
  • Again, the jury found for the plaintiff and awarded damages of £20.
  • The court awarded two of the women costs and damages, while the third case was dismissed due to the woman's death.
  • The local resident named as a suspect and two others were also awarded damages.
  • In one case last year, a woman was awarded damages after saying that a man had assaulted her on a business trip.
  • Smith was awarded damages that were later reduced on appeal.
15. award the Legion = przyznaj Legion award the Legion
19. award the trophy = przyznaj trofeum award the trophy
20. award the Navy Commendation = przyznaj Marynarce Wojennej Wyróżnienie award the Navy Commendation
22. award custody = areszt nagrody award custody
23. award a gold disc = przyznaj złotą płytę award a gold disc
26. award a Doctor = przyznaj Lekarza award a Doctor
30. award membership = nagroda członkostwo award membership
31. award the Croix Guerre = przyznaj Croix Guerre award the Croix Guerre
32. award a bar = przyznaj bar award a bar
33. award bonuses = premie nagrody award bonuses
czasownik + award
Kolokacji: 4
begin awarding • awarded for winning • start awarding • awarded while serving
award + przyimek
Kolokacji: 36
awarded to • awarded by • awarded for • awarded during • awarded under • ...
award + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 27
posthumously awarded • awarded annually • later awarded • jointly awarded • twice awarded • ...

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