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"atom" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

atom rzeczownik

rzeczownik + atom
Kolokacji: 50
hydrogen atom • carbon atom • oxygen atom • nitrogen atom • metal atom • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 7
  • "All this is what happens when you give hydrogen atoms 13.7 billion years."
  • Yet they had found nothing larger or more complex than hydrogen atoms.
  • This approach works very well for the hydrogen atom, which only has one electron.
  • Hydrogen atoms are very small, making leaks a bigger problem as well.
  • Its two hydrogen atoms are towards one end and not directly opposite each other as you might expect.
  • That is the fusion of hydrogen atoms in a cold solution.
  • A simple example of this concept comes by considering the hydrogen atom.
  • At very low energies, they could form a hydrogen atom as you suggest.
  • This screen will only let one type of hydrogen atoms pass through to the oxygen.
  • It calls for only three hydrogen atoms per cubic meter.
3. oxygen atom = atom tlenowy oxygen atom
4. nitrogen atom = atom azotu nitrogen atom
5. metal atom = metalowy atom metal atom
6. chlorine atom = atom chloru chlorine atom
7. sulfur atom = atom siarki sulfur atom
atom + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 5
atom bomb • atom smasher • atom o oxygen • Atom processor • Atom CPU
atom + czasownik
Kolokacji: 22
atom forms • atom moves • atom absorbs • atom emits • atom exists • ...
czasownik + atom
Kolokacji: 13
contain several carbon atoms • form atoms • call atoms • hydrogen atom is replaced • manipulate atoms • ...
przymiotnik + atom
Kolokacji: 21
single atom • individual atom • neutral atom • heavy atom • central atom • ...
przyimek + atom
Kolokacji: 12
between atoms • of atoms • with atoms • to atoms • in atoms • ...

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