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"assembly" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

assembly rzeczownik

rzeczownik + assembly
Kolokacji: 113
State Assembly • Constituent Assembly • Assembly of Ontario • Assembly of Quebec • New South Wales Assembly • ...
assembly + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 54
assembly line • Assembly District • assembly plant • Assembly speaker • Assembly member • assembly hall • Assembly election • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 22
1. assembly line = linia montażowa, taśma produkcyjna assembly line
3. assembly plant = montownia, hala montażowa assembly plant
  • He has an Assembly speaker who really doesn't have to listen to anybody anymore.
  • The Assembly speaker has insisted such an increase is not the way to balance the budget.
  • The assembly speaker said the law eventually would lead to national presidential elections.
  • The Assembly speaker is one of the most powerful statewide positions.
  • The new Assembly speaker would be next in line.
  • The Assembly speaker has already declared that cuts to education and health care spending are out of the question.
  • "We did not go off the deep end," the Assembly Speaker said.
  • Schyle had previously served as Assembly speaker for a period in 2006.
  • The majority leader shares control over virtually all legislation with the governor and the Assembly speaker.
  • The final decision, he said, is made by "three men in a room": the governor, the Assembly speaker and the Senate majority leader.
8. Assembly seat = Miejsce zgromadzenia Assembly seat
9. Assembly Democrat = Zgromadzenie demokrata Assembly Democrat
11. assembly room = montownia, hala montażowa assembly room
13. assembly area = miejsce zbiórki (np. w czasie pożaru) assembly area
14. Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver = Rzecznik zgromadzenia Sheldon Srebro Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver
17. assembly point = miejsce zbiórki, punkt zbiórki (po ewakuacji) assembly point
18. Assembly Bill = Zgromadzenie Bill Assembly Bill
19. state assembly election = zgromadzenie stanowe wybory state assembly election
20. Assembly leader = Dowódca zgromadzenia Assembly leader
assembly + czasownik
Kolokacji: 52
Assembly passes • Assembly approves • Assembly votes • Assembly meets • General Assembly elects • General Assembly adopts • ...
czasownik + assembly
Kolokacji: 27
win in the National Assembly • run to the assembly • Assembly is elected • assembly is held • establish an assembly • ...
przymiotnik + assembly
Kolokacji: 80
Legislative Assembly • provincial assembly • national assembly • general assembly • final assembly • new assembly • ...
przyimek + assembly
Kolokacji: 14
during assembly • before the assembly • on the Assembly • in the Assembly • to the Assembly • ...

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