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"ask" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

ask czasownik

ask + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 261
ask questions • ask permission • ask forgiveness • ask readers • ask directions • ask voters • ask Congress • ask God • ask students • ...
czasownik + ask
Kolokacji: 87
keep asking • start asking • stop asking • begin asking • write asking • consider asking • come asking • remember asking • go ask • ...
ask + przyimek
Kolokacji: 45
ask out • ask about • ask for • ask after • ask by • ...
ask + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 235
frequently ask • repeatedly ask • ask quietly • ask softly • ask politely • ask rhetorically • ask anxiously • ask casually • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 60
  • Beginning in 1777, Congress repeatedly asked the states to provide money.
  • Over the next two years, he had repeatedly asked police and others to help him die.
  • It's a question that is being asked repeatedly these days, and for good reason.
  • I repeatedly asked myself, 'Is there something the matter with this guy?
  • Friends repeatedly asked why he did not just get out of the truck and give it away.
  • Students said they were repeatedly asked to show their student identification.
  • He had asked repeatedly why someone with her credentials wanted a job in a poor county hospital.
  • "He was asked that repeatedly because of the safety concerns."
  • You have repeatedly asked for commissions; well, here is one.
  • The manager asked repeatedly did no one know who the injured man was or where had his friends gone.
5. ask softly = zapytaj łagodnie ask softly
6. ask politely = zapytaj uprzejmie ask politely
7. ask anxiously = zapytaj z niepokojem ask anxiously
8. ask rhetorically = zapytaj retorycznie ask rhetorically
9. ask casually = zapytaj mimochodem ask casually
10. ask sharply = zapytaj ostro ask sharply
11. simply ask = po prostu zapytaj simply ask
12. finally ask = w końcu zapytaj finally ask
13. ask gently = zapytaj łagodnie ask gently
14. once ask = kiedyś zapytaj once ask
17. actually ask = faktycznie zapytaj actually ask
18. ask eagerly = zapytaj z zapałem ask eagerly
19. ask suddenly = zapytaj nagle ask suddenly
20. ask incredulously = zapytaj niedowierzająco ask incredulously
21. ask quickly = zapytaj szybko ask quickly
22. later ask = później zapytaj later ask
23. merely ask = jedynie zapytaj merely ask
24. formally ask = formalnie zapytaj formally ask
25. ask innocently = zapytaj niewinnie ask innocently
26. ask bluntly = zapytaj otwarcie ask bluntly
27. ask suspiciously = zapytaj podejrzliwie ask suspiciously
28. ask curiously = zapytaj dziwnie ask curiously
29. ask hopefully = zapytaj przy odrobinie szczęścia ask hopefully
31. ask abruptly = zapytaj nagle ask abruptly
32. better ask = lepiej zapytaj better ask
33. ask pointedly = zapytać znacząco ask pointedly
34. ask nervously = zapytaj nerwowo ask nervously
35. ask calmly = zapytaj spokojnie ask calmly
36. ask cautiously = zapytaj ostrożnie ask cautiously
37. as well ask = też pytać as well ask
38. ask plaintively = zapytaj płaczliwym ask plaintively
39. ask impatiently = zapytaj niecierpliwie ask impatiently
40. ask sarcastically = zapytaj sarkastycznie ask sarcastically
41. ask twice = zapytaj dwa razy ask twice
42. eventually ask = ostatecznie zapytaj eventually ask
43. ask before = zapytaj wcześniej ask before
44. ask angrily = zapytaj gniewnie ask angrily
45. originally ask = początkowo zapytaj originally ask
46. ask mildly = zapytaj łagodnie ask mildly
47. ask nicely = zapytaj miło ask nicely
49. ask aloud = zapytaj głośno ask aloud
50. ask coldly = zapytaj ozięble ask coldly
51. initially ask = początkowo zapytaj initially ask
52. ask hesitantly = zapytaj niepewnie ask hesitantly
53. ask carefully = zapytaj ostrożnie ask carefully
54. ask doubtfully = zapytaj niepewnie ask doubtfully
55. ask skeptically = zapytaj sceptycznie ask skeptically
56. ask slowly = zapytaj wolno ask slowly
58. ask earlier = zapytaj wcześniej ask earlier
59. ask urgently = zapytaj pilnie ask urgently
60. ask warily = zapytaj ostrożnie ask warily

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