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"answer" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

answer czasownik

answer + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 44
answer questions • answer queries • answer charges • answer letters • answer one's prayers • answer the phone • answer the summons • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 18
2. answer charges = odpowiadać na zarzuty answer charges
  • A parliamentary committee is to announce next week whether he must answer charges in court.
  • Professional baseball is making an effort to answer charges of racism.
  • His service was interrupted by complaints with William entering the king's court in 1293 and 1294 to answer charges against him.
  • Nevertheless it is my duty to request you to return to Germany to answer charges there.
  • Then came an order from the court in Raleigh to pay a $750 fine or show up to answer charges.
  • Korval has been called upon to answer certain very serious charges.
  • The idea is to answer charges that such accords are written in secret.
  • The police should really have to answer charges in court over this case.
  • The whole idea of our constitutional system is that people should have a fair chance to answer charges before they are convicted.
  • But it is hard to answer specific charges like that with academic theory.
9. question to answer = pytanie do odpowiedzi question to answer
13. answer one's critics = odpowiedź czyjś krytycy answer one's critics
14. answer an ad = odpowiedzieć na reklamę answer an ad
15. answer inquiries = zapytania odpowiedzi answer inquiries
16. answer one's voice = odpowiedź czyjś głos answer one's voice
17. time to answer = czas do odpowiedzi time to answer
czasownik + answer
Kolokacji: 29
refuse to answer • decline to answer • try to answer • fail to answer • want to answer • go to answer • need to answer • ...
answer + przyimek
Kolokacji: 23
answer without • answer by • answer to • answer with • answer for • ...
answer + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 176
answer immediately • answer correctly • answer directly • finally answer • answer quickly • answer quietly • answer simply • ...

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