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"achieve" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

achieve czasownik

achieve + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 295
achieve success • achieve fame • achieve independence • achieve recognition • achieve peace • achieve prominence • ...
czasownik + achieve
Kolokacji: 26
help achieve • fail to achieve • seek to achieve • hope to achieve • try to achieve • manage to achieve • required to achieve • ...
achieve + przyimek
Kolokacji: 42
achieved through • achieved without • achieve by • achieve during • achieve within • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 29
1. achieved through = osiągnięty całkowicie achieved through
2. achieve by = osiągać przez achieve by
  • But our common will is to achieve something along these lines by 1 May 2004.
  • We still have much to achieve by the end of this year.
  • I can see what you would hope to achieve by it, too.
  • What exactly did we achieve by way of this law?
  • So how can we expect them to achieve 20% by 2020?
  • And given this, the result that we hope to achieve by the beginning of next year may actually be considered as quite good.
  • What are we trying to achieve by this war on drugs?
  • Central South saw what they'd achieved by 1991, and now we've been back to check on progress.
  • "It will very difficult to achieve political goals by those means."
  • For example, in science and math, most children would be expected to achieve level 6 or 7 by age 16.
3. achieved without = osiągnięty na zewnątrz achieved without
5. achieve within = osiągnij wewnątrz achieve within
6. achieve under = osiągnij poniżej achieve under
7. achieve in = osiągać w achieve in
9. achieve at = osiągać przy achieve at
10. achieve over = osiągać ponad achieve over
13. achieve among = osiągać wśród achieve among
14. achieve on = osiągać na achieve on
15. achieve for = osiągać dla achieve for
17. achieve to = osiągać aby achieve to
18. achieved since = osiągnięty od tej pory achieved since
19. achieve until = osiągać do czasu gdy achieve until
21. achieve before = osiągnij wcześniej achieve before
22. achieved via = osiągnięty przez achieved via
23. achieve of = osiągać z achieve of
27. achieve throughout = osiągnij przez cały czas achieve throughout
29. achieve across = osiągnij wszerz achieve across
achieve + przymiotnik/przysłówek
Kolokacji: 48
finally achieve • later achieve • eventually achieve • easily achieved • actually achieve • ...

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