Many such children are meeting the criteria for attention deficit disorder.
He said it was too easy to see attention deficit disorder everywhere one looked.
These days, it seems, everyone knows who the kids with attention deficit disorder are, because they present an opportunity.
Some children can't help making a mess, like those with attention deficit disorder.
Since 1992, he has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.
My daughter has an "attention deficit disorder," her mother said.
We do not know the cause of attention deficit disorder.
Why are there suddenly more children with attention deficit disorder?
If a child has attention deficit disorder, they need to be in treatment as well.
The fact that the boy has a history of attention deficit disorder makes him even more vulnerable.
Many such children are meeting the criteria for attention deficit disorder.
He said it was too easy to see attention deficit disorder everywhere one looked.
These days, it seems, everyone knows who the kids with attention deficit disorder are, because they present an opportunity.
Some children can't help making a mess, like those with attention deficit disorder.
Since 1992, he has been diagnosed with attention deficit disorder.
My daughter has an "attention deficit disorder," her mother said.
We do not know the cause of attention deficit disorder.
Why are there suddenly more children with attention deficit disorder?
If a child has attention deficit disorder, they need to be in treatment as well.
The fact that the boy has a history of attention deficit disorder makes him even more vulnerable.
Children in these types of programs have often been diagnosed with attention-deficit disorder; it's hard for them to keep their focus.
Those with mild attention-deficit disorder may also have serious social difficulties.
Younger children are more likely to receive diagnoses of attention-deficit disorder, too.
Alex has been living at the school since 1991, under treatment for hyperactivity and an attention-deficit disorder.
If the movie has intelligence to spare, it also suffers from attention-deficit disorder.
Another common problem is attention-deficit disorder, the inability to pay attention long enough to hear instructions or complete a task.
And both, perhaps, would have been put on Ritalin, the drug of choice for treating attention-deficit disorder.
Is it any wonder that so many adults have attention-deficit disorder or display some of its tendencies?
If we go to brain-attention disorders, there are six boys with attention-deficit disorder to every one girl.
In other songs, he sang of forgetfulness and an attention-deficit disorder.