The issue never came up because the talks fell through.
Until the key turned, the door opened - and I fell through.
For the first few years, he said, one prospect after another fell through.
However, the plans fell through, and the building is for sale.
"It all fell through because of the fire and her death."
The last deal she cut, the one that fell through, was for $120,000.
But the funding fell through, and she was told to give up the project.
Yet the other offers fell through, and they got it.
He planned to return in 1928, but those plans fell through.
That's why he took this job when the other one fell through.
That is why we do not fall through the floor.
The top half of his body fell through the open window.
At least we know it didn't fall through lack of effort.
At one point I fell through the floor into space.
Sat down and I fell through the whole of the chair.
But his agreement fell through last month and he lost $1 million.
We may well fall all the way through the planet.
I've been falling through space so long I don't remember which end is up.
"Then how come it doesn't fall through the floor right now?"
They rose and fell but through a very small space.