Many members of the victorious 2000 team have been hired away by wealthier teams.
I got hired away by another company; more perks, bigger options.
At 28, he had been made United States sales director for one company and then had been hired away by another.
When the show began to click, he was hired away into larger markets, first in Atlanta, then Minneapolis.
Fortune's sister publication, Money, has hired away two Forbes staff writers this year.
Lack of domestic support for the biotech industry here has also created a brain drain, with German scientists being hired away by companies abroad.
In 1986 she was hired away by another Yellow Pages company and retired from the industry in 1992.
And Diebold has had to raise its top executives' salaries so they will not be hired away by competitors, he said.
But he noted that many of the people who built Northeast's reputation have retired or been hired away.
In 1994, he was hired away by Gray Line.