Dodatkowe przykłady dopasowywane są do haseł w zautomatyzowany sposób - nie gwarantujemy ich poprawności.
But it is right to see if people on disability benefits can work.
This year, the federal government will spend $125 billion for disability benefits.
In other countries, disability benefit may be provided under Social security systems.
Workers should not be allowed to get disability benefits if they can return to their old lines of work.
Disability benefits go to people with disabilities and their families.
More information about applying for social security disability benefits is available here.
How long will you have to wait before disability benefits kick in?
The police already had good disability benefits from the city for injuries received on the job.
The Government suspended its efforts to cut off disability benefits from 1984 until 1986.
Family leave is separate from and does not affect disability benefits.
Officials expect three million Americans to apply for disability benefits this year.
But he did not resist the new standards for children's disability benefits.
Social Security will provide a person opportunities to return to work while still paying them disability benefits.
There was a close vote over proposals to cut children's disability benefit.
Thus, the first month for which you are entitled to disability benefits is October 2010.
And those with the most severe medical problems will be told to apply for Federal disability benefits.
Who is eligible for disability benefits and how do I apply?
Then, in recent weeks, a new crisis: he lost the disability benefits and food stamps.
There are limits, though, to the ability to work while drawing disability benefits.
According to the suit, he has about one year of disability benefits remaining but his condition is expected to last far longer.
They will try to transfer some in this group to other federal aid programs, like those that offer disability benefits.
Maybe preserving these particular disability benefits are a high priority.
"My brother died of complications related to this disease, but never could get disability benefits."
The old policy may have better provisions in areas such as settlement of disability benefits.
The study is the most comprehensive about race and disability benefits ever undertaken by the Government.
Because of serious disease, he went into disability pension in 1976.
He lived on a disability pension for the rest of his life.
So they won't give him the disability pension he deserves.
The state system provides its members two types of disability pensions.
But recently, they said, he had applied for a disability pension that would give him more money.
Over the next 15 years, he was involved in litigation with the City for a special disability pension.
They will cost Italy more than $33 billion this year in disability pensions.
This plus a small disability pension rounded things off; I would get by.
Another important aspect of the Continental model are the disability pensions.
As I understand it, you also have no job now, nothing but an inconsequential disability pension.
But first I use to get a eighty per cent disability pension.
The cabinet has implemented a new law for disability pensions.
In 2010, there were 1 million veterans receiving disability pensions.
"At the very least, you could have gotten a mental disability pension.
He retired in 1991 on a medical disability pension because of a knee injury.
A new diagnosis was enough to get him discharged with a disability pension.
This is because the report takes into account indirect costs such as disability pensions and the price of oil.
It was wrenching work, the doctor said, because many of the people coming to the office needed the disability pensions to get by.
But that was before they both were forced by sickness to retire on a disability pension over the past year.
Kruse, like Sears, also left the department with a disability pension.
He married in 1883, but reportedly found life difficult living on his disability pension from the government, which amounted to just £10 a year.
He had actually stopped working more than a year earlier, when he filed for a disability pension.
He had a one hundred per cent disability pension.
Janice has been receiving a disability pension ever since she broke her back in a car accident.
A factory provides him with clay free of charge, and he also receives a Government disability pension.