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We left the guest house, going through stone-vaulted passageways into the cloister garth.
He is buried in the cloister garth of Salisbury Cathedral.
This bi-fold concept of the garden as a space that met both physical and spiritual needs was carried over to the cloister garth.
Emrys put an arrow through his heart, right there in the cloister garth, or Ulric would have destroyed us all.
The main part of the cloister garth continues to be a pleasant lawn in the quadrangle of the university site.
Thankful for that, at least, he continued on into the cloister garth and headed toward the infirmary and the room where the king's body lay.
Some scholars suggest that, though sparsely planted, plant materials found in the cloister garth might have inspired various religious visions.
The cloister was at the heart of the monastery and its outlines can be followed in the cloister garth.
Their breath fogged on the air before them as they made their way through a slype to skirt the northern side of the cloister garth.
Before the mosque, filling both sides of the cloister garth, was a garden of healing herbs and shrubs.
They returned by a different route, along the east range of the cloister garth and into the church through a processional door in the south transept.
But the cloister garth, as at Chichester, is not rectangular, and all the surrounding buildings are thus made to sprawl in a very awkward fashion.
A labyrinth in the Cloister Garth.
The cloister garth contains a modern sculpture entitled The water of life by Stephen Broadbent.
They went out together into the sunlight, through the cloister garth and out into the bustle and traffic of the great court.
Walcher's tomb lid was rescued from burial at the site of the South Transept cloister garth c. 1711.
And Cadfael turned back into the cloister garth, and paced the bleached wintry sward very thoughtfully.
The abbot obliged his visitors by leading them into the center of the cloister garth, presenting an overview of the general groundplan before they went inside.
The abbey complex consisted of a quadrangular set of buildings with the church as the north range, round a central cloister and cloister garth.
On one occasion she brought The London Concert Orchestra, made up of 40 unemployed musicians, to play at the Cloisters Garth.
Leaving the stable with Sister Winifred, Queron followed her back across the central courtyard and through into the cloister garth, heading for the Chapter House.
They usually abut the church building and are enclosed with windowless walls on the outside and an open arcade on the inside, looking over a courtyard or "cloister garth".
They moved along the students' cloister walk until they came upon a group of young boys sitting under a tree in the cloister garth, their plain white tunics identifying them as students.
Biting back tears of anger and frustration, he gave the mare an apologetic pat on the neck and turned away, scrambling over the snow-covered rubble toward the open cloister garth.
He died, at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital in 1966 aged 92, and was buried in the Cloister Garth at Canterbury Cathedral.