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Old Believers believe that the dead can still feel for a time after their death.
Old Believers present the following as the most crucial changes:
"You know, in Russia they had the old believers, who were sent into exile.
"And the Iraqis have now taken most of our older believers, who are no longer allowed to come worship.
The debate can turn old believers into converts, or at least agnostics.
The Old believers attempted to have many churches reopened, but they were unsuccessful.
It has an Old Believers' cemetery and a church.
Hamish is the last of the old believers."
The population is mostly Old believers.
However, there is a small population of Old believers in the republic scattered in some of the most isolated areas.
Apart from the Orthodox Church, there was also an Old Believers' chapel.
Nevertheless some restrictions for Old Believers continued: for example, they were forbidden from joining the civil service.
Old Believers are generally much more punctillious about bows in comparison with the official Orthodoxy.
Most of them were Old Believers at least prior to the rise of the Soviet Union.
It was used even in Russia prior to reformations of patriarch Nikon, and later by "old believers".
In 1861 the novel Grisha was published; seen as weaker than previous ones, it contained nevertheless interesting Old believers' characters.
Old Believers continue liturgical practices which the Russian Orthodox Church followed before the reform.
The Nekrasovites were Old Believers, a persecuted faith.
For his missionary work among the old believers V.I. Gryaznov was recognised as a local saint in 1999.
During the 17th century persecuted Old Believers from Russia settled along the Daugava river.
Avvakum's letters to the Tzar and Old Believers (pub.
The other religious groups were Old Believers (that is, Schismatics) trying to escape from persecution in Russia.
The priested Old Believers are thus represented by two churches that have the same beliefs, but treat each other's hierarchies as illegitimate.
Melnikov has become known as a cruel destroyer of Old believers' sketes and made way into Raskolniki's folklore.
On April 23, 1911, an Old Believers' house of prayer burned down in the village, and the residents petitioned the government to build a new one.