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Measure 63 will reduce local government revenue by between $4-$8 million each year.
More than 90 percent of Iraq's government revenues come from oil exports.
Among the problems are that government revenues as a share of the total economy remain relatively low.
For the first year after their implementation, government revenues rose.
Where can I find the final local government revenue and capital settlements 2012-13?
To understand why, you need to examine the sources of government revenue.
These taxes remained under 1% of government revenues through the 1990s.
It has also been a major source of government revenue for centuries.
Under the Act, government revenues were projected to rise after 2012.
The mineral industry provides about 40% of all government revenues.
Some government revenues also came from taxes, of which the most important was the general industrial and commercial tax.
In fact, government revenue nearly doubled during the Reagan years.
These taxes contribute over $6 billion in annual government revenue.
Residential housing development is the main source of local government revenue.
He also claims that government revenue would thereby be increased.
Central Government revenues from the republics have fallen more than 50 percent.
More alarming is the decline of government revenues over the long run.
Government revenues would suffer significantly and pressure on health spending increase.
However, oil production intensified for the period 1975 to 1984, leading to a large increase in government revenue.
No longer will the major portion of government revenues come from large corporations.
Property taxes remained a major source of government revenue below the state level.
Though production has fallen in the last few years, about one-third of government revenue still comes from the industry.
"Every time the tax burden is reduced, Government revenues go up, not down."
Others also see the airlines as a convenient source of new Government revenue.
"There is a clear disconnect between the economy and government revenues," he said.