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"student" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

student rzeczownik

rzeczownik + student
Kolokacji: 147
school student • college student • graduate student • minority student • grade student • engineering student • honor student • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 55
2. college student = student college'u, studentka college'u college student
3. graduate student = słuchacz studium podyplomowego, magistrant, student studiów magisterskich, doktorant, student studiów doktoranckich graduate student
6. engineering student = student lub studentka wydziału inżynieryjnego engineering student
8. postgraduate student = słuchacz studium podyplomowego, magistrant, student studiów magisterskich, doktorant, student studiów doktoranckich postgraduate student
  • The university had 322 postgraduate students in the 2007-2008 academic year.
  • In 1964 the first 15 postgraduate students joined from nine countries.
  • The total student population is about 33,800 of which over 20,000 are undergraduate and the rest postgraduate students.
  • He returned to the Academy as a postgraduate student in 1934.
  • In addition several postgraduate students have made significant contributions to the project.
  • In 2005, the total number of registered postgraduate students was 959.
  • The School has a total of about 300 undergraduate and 60 postgraduate students.
  • "Of our 101 postgraduate students in piano, 20 or 30 have been here for 8 to 10 years," she said.
  • A recent 2003 addition provides for a handful of postgraduate students.
  • The student population includes 10,525 undergraduate and 3,050 postgraduate students.
10. exchange student = student uczestniczący w wymianie exchange student
11. PhD student = doktorant PhD student
16. music student = student muzyczny music student
18. year student = rok student year student
19. transfer student = transfer student transfer student
20. film student = student filmowy film student
21. Ph.D. student = doktorant Ph.D. student
22. day student = uczeń (chodzący do szkoły z internatem, ale mieszkający w domu) day student
23. grad student = student studiów magisterskich grad student
24. Harvard student = Harvard student Harvard student
25. research student = student biorący udział w badaniach research student
27. business student = biznesowy student business student
29. women student = kobiety student women student
31. philosophy student = filozofia student philosophy student
32. language student = język student language student
33. Pennsylvania school student = Pensylwania student szkolny Pennsylvania school student
34. income student = dochód student income student
35. class student = klasa student class student
36. Yale student = Zamek yale student Yale student
37. drama student = student szkoły teatralnej drama student
40. physics student = fizyka student physics student
42. psychology student = psychologia student psychology student
43. freshman student = student pierwszego roku student freshman student
44. district student = region student district student
45. theology student = student z teologii theology student
46. piano student = student fortepianowy piano student
47. A student = Uczeń na pięć A student
48. MBA student = MBA student MBA student
49. area student = rejonowy student area student
50. training student = student szkoleniowy training student
51. Columbia student = Columbia student Columbia student
52. time student = czas student time student
54. design student = student wzornictwa design student
55. economics student = student ekonomii economics student
student + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 259
student body • student population • student newspaper • student loan • Student Council • student achievement • student protest • ...
student + czasownik
Kolokacji: 417
student attends • student learns • student receives • student participates • student completes • student graduates • student performs • ...
czasownik + student
Kolokacji: 254
student enrolled • teach students • allow students • prepare students • educate students • help students • recruit students • ...
przymiotnik + student
Kolokacji: 380
medical student • fellow student • female student • secondary student • male student • full-time student • doctoral student • ...
przyimek + student
Kolokacji: 39
per student • among students • between students • for students • of students • ...

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