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"stable" po angielsku z przykładami - Słownik kolokacji angielskich

stable przymiotnik

stable + rzeczownik
Kolokacji: 149
stable condition • stable government • stable environment • stable isotope • stable block • stable door • stable relationship • ...
częste kolokacje
Kolokacji: 29
1. stable condition = stan stabilny (pacjenta) stable condition
3. stable environment = stabilne środowisko stable environment
4. stable isotope = izotop nieradioaktywny, izotop trwały stable isotope
5. stable block = stajnia stable block
6. stable door = drzwi stajni stable door
7. stable relationship = stabilne stosunki stable relationship
9. stable boy = stajenny stable boy
10. stable population = stabilna populacja stable population
11. stable price = stabilna cena stable price
12. stable life = ustabilizowany tryb życia stable life
13. stable version = stabilna wersja stable version
14. stable democracy = silna demokracja stable democracy
15. stable economy = stabilna gospodarka stable economy
16. stable form = stabilna forma stable form
18. stable yard = dziedziniec stajenny, podwórze stajenne stable yard
19. stable currency = stabilna waluta stable currency
20. stable system = stabilny system stable system
21. stable orbit = stabilna orbita stable orbit
22. stable society = stabilne społeczeństwo stable society
23. stable platform = stabilna platforma stable platform
24. stable home = stabilny dom stable home
25. stable release = stabilne zwolnienie stable release
26. stable country = stabilny kraj stable country
27. stable structure = stabilna struktura stable structure
28. stable family = stabilna rodzina stable family
29. stable source = zrównoważone źródło stable source
czasownik + stable
Kolokacji: 8
remain stable • consider stable • become stable • feel stable • look stable • ...
przysłówek + stable
Kolokacji: 39
relatively stable • most stable • fairly stable • financially stable • remarkably stable • ...
stable + przyimek
Kolokacji: 20
stable at • stable for • stable in • stable with • stable to • ...

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