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"used by United States troops in World War II and the Korean War" po angielsku

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Vietnam War , Vietnam = a prolonged war (1954-1975) between the communist armies of North Vietnam who were supported by the Chinese and the armies of South Vietnam who were supported by the United States
war zone = a combat zone where military operations are coordinated (especially a designated area in international waters where the rights of neutrals are not respected by nations at war)
World War I , World War 1 , Great War , First World War , War to End War = a war between the allies (Russia, France, British Empire, Italy, United States, Japan, Rumania, Serbia, Belgium, Greece, Portugal, Montenegro) and the Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Turkey, Bulgaria) from 1914 to 1918
war room = a room where strategic decisions are made (especially for military or political campaigns)
war power = an extraordinary power exercised (usually by the executive branch) in the prosecution of a war and involving an extension of the powers that the government normally has in peacetime
war chest = a fund accumulated to finance a war (or a political campaign)
Napoleonic Wars = a series of wars fought between France (led by Napoleon Bonaparte) and alliances involving England and Prussia and Russia and Austria at different times; 1799-1815
Trojan War = a great war fought between Greece and Troy; the Greeks sailed to Troy to recover Helen of Troy, the beautiful wife of Menelaus who had been abducted by Paris; after ten years the Greeks (via the Trojan Horse) achieved final victory and burned Troy to the ground