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"if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia" po angielsku

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podobne do "if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia" po angielsku — Słownik angielsko-angielski | zobacz "if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia" po angielsku

person = a human body (usually including the clothing) +1 znaczenie
rhesus factor , Rh factor , Rh = a blood group antigen possessed by Rh-positive people; if an Rh-negative person receives a blood transfusion from an Rh-positive person it can result in hemolysis and anemia
young person , youth , younker , spring chicken = a young person (especially a young man or boy)